Mobile Public Library Digital Collections

Mobile Public Library Local History & Genealogy Library

The Local History and Genealogy Library is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and providing access to the history of Mobile, and the greater Gulf Coast region.

Browse Items (136 total)

Photos of the Jonathan Emanuel House, at 251 Government St., Mobile, AL

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Photo close up of Emma Harris

Photo of Mrs. Emma Harris

Photo of Emma Harris speaking with a lady, with Hank J. Blasick, Library Director, in the background

Photos of Emma Harris being given a key to the city of Mobile by Mayor Henry Luscher, beside two other ladies

Photo of Library Director Guenter Jansen pulling back a black curtain to show Emma Harris her portrait

Photo of Emma Harris being presented with a bouquet and certificate for the First Lady of Mobile award, at the Women's Club

Photo of Finch Estate, at 301 North Joachim St., Mobile, AL

Photo of the east side of the front porch of Finnigan Place, at 752 Government, St., Mobile, AL

Photos of the Ford House, at 165 St. Emanuel House, Mobile, AL

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